ผู้เขียน : ESTATE1

อัพเดท: 26 เม.ย. 2007 02.09 น. บทความนี้มีผู้ชม: 31663 ครั้ง

สำหรับโปรแกรม java สามารถ download ได้จาก website []

หลังจากลงโปรแกรมเสร็จสิ่งที่ทุกคนชอบทำคือ พิมพ์ cmd เปิด command prompt
แล้วเรียกคำสั่ง c:\>javac ปรากฏว่า error แต่เรียกคำสั่ง c:\java ได้ ที่เป็นแบบนี้เพราะว่า หลังลงเสร็จต้องตั้งค่า path ที่ Control Panel->System->Advanced->Enviroment Variables ให้เรียบร้อยเสียก่อนครับ

ในช่วง installl ถ้าไม่ได้เปลี่ยนแปลงค่าอะไร โปรแกรมจาวาจะอยู่ที่ C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\bin (ผมให้ WinXP sp2 Thai edition) เอา path นี้ใส่ลงไปครับ

ให้ปิด Command prompt แล้วเปิดใหม่อีกครั้ง เรียกคำสั่ง javac อีกครั้งจะพบว่าสามารถใช้งานได้ ขั้นตอนต่อมาก็ต้อง Hello world ให้ได้ก่อน

ชื่อ calss และชื่อ file .java นั้นสำคัญมากต้องตั้งให้ตรงกัน ตัวอักษรใหญ่เล็กต้องเหมือนกัน
class Hello {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println("Hello World");

>javac // Compile
>java Hello // run
อ้างอิงจาก :
Introduction to Java with Principles for Language Basics,
Simple GUI and Internet Application Year 2005
เขียนโดย THAMMASS

สามารถเข้าไปดู link ได้ที่

หรือต้องการข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม สามารถสอบถามได้ที่

Introduction to Java with Principles for Language Basics, Simple GUI and Internet Application


Programming Java
Introduction to Java with Principles for Language Basics, Simple GUI and Internet Application

Year 2005



[Univ. Aizu ] [ Programming Java ] [ References ] [ Contacts ] [ Lectures ] [ Exercises ] [Report and Term Project]

** Programming Java, Final Score

About the course

The class "Programming Java" for second year students at the University of Aizu deals with basic concept of Java programming language and its application. Students learned C programming in the courses Programming 0 and I. As Java provides easier structure and clear concept of object oriented methodology than C++, so it will be helpful to understand object oriented programming and applications for Internet and various scientific fields.  This course is to build the students' strong basic in object-oriented programming and Internet Application programming such as Java language itself, networks, and GUI programming. From this year, new features of  JDK 1.5 will be covered. JDBC will not be covered. if you have interests on how to use JDBC, you can refer to next exercise site .


The book "Teach yourself Java"  will be used as a main text book. And "Java 2 JDK 5" will be used for Java 2 1.5. some other lecture notes listed on this Web paer will be used as supplement materials.

The main textbook

  • Main Text : Joseph O'Neil, Teach Yourself Java, McGraw-Hill, 1999.    In Japanese,   $BFH=, (B Java, SHOEISHA, 2002.   Related Site
  • For Java2 1.5 : Ivor Horton, Java 2 JDK 5 Edition, Wiley Publishing, 2005
The course is scheduled for thirteen 90 minute lectures and thirteen 180 minute lab sessions. For additional texts please browse the listed references ..


  • Object-oriented Programming in Java
  • Simple Applet and  GUI Programming in Java
  • Simple Network Communication in Java


    Incheon Paik Computer Industry Lab, 307-C  x2796  paikic

    Lecture and Exercise Lab Instructors 
    Section Meets Exercise Room Instructor Lab Extension E-mail 
    LECTURE Mon-3 Lecture Theater Incheon Paik Computer Industry Lab, 307-C x2796 paikic
    S1 Wed-2,3
    Incheon Paik    Computer Industry Lab, 307-C x2796 paikic   
    S2 Wed-2,3
    Rentaro Yoshioka Distributed Parallel Processing Lab., 145-C

             std5 Vitaly Klyuev 
    Software Engineering Lab.  342-C
    S4 Tue-1,2
      Wanming Chu
      Computer Organization Lab, 142-C x3203
    H1 Thu-3,4

    Vitaly Klyuev   
    Software Engineering Lab.  342-C  x3602   vkluev 
    H2 Thu-3,4
    Michael Cohen 

    Human Interface Lab, 126-C 

    Section  Meets  Exercise Room  TA  E-mail  Assisting 
    Lecture Mon-5  Lecture Theater  m5091201
    Mitsuteru Shinozawa

    Incheon Paik
         S1 Wed-2,3                std5 m5081206
    Daisuke Maruyama

    Incheon Paik
    S2 Wed-2,3 std6 m5081120
    Satoshi Koyanagi

    Rentaro Yoshioka
    S3 Tue-1,2 std5 m5081124
     Sho Narita

    Vitaliy Kluev
    S4 Tue-1,2 std2 m5081222
    Taihei Ichizawa

    Wanming Chu
    H1 Thu-3,4 std1 m5091119
    Testuro Hoshi

    Vitaliy Kluev
    H2 Thu-3,4 std2 m5081102
    Shuuhei Ishikawa

    Michael Cohen


The lectures harmonize with the academic calendar (see the academic calendar and the time table ).
Period Time Class Lecturer Room
Mon-3 16:30-18:00 3-SI+II Incheon Paik Lecture Theater
3-H Incheon Paik Lecture Theater
Lecturer Date Topics Notes
Incheon Paik 2005/04/11
Java Basic
Lecture Handout
Chap01.ppt(Introduction to Java)    Prepare the print out document

Supplement Material
IntroJava.ppt(Introduction to Java)     Prepare the print out document
IntroJava-1.pdf      ==>  1 slide   a page
Incheon Paik 2005/04/18
Class & Methods Lecture Handout

Supplement Material
Class-6.pdf       ==> 6 slides a page
Class-1.pdf       ==> 1 slide   a page
Incheon Paik
 Control & Operator (Enhanced for loop, Enumerations)
Lecture Handout

Supplement Material
Operator.ppt , ControlF-Stmt.ppt (Types, Operators, Statements)
DataType-6.pdf ,   Operator-6 .pdf ControlF-Stmt -6.pdf     ==> 6 slides a page
DataType-1.pdf ,  Operator-1.pdf ControlF-Stmt-1.pdf     ==> 1 slide   a page
Incheon Paik
Java Demonstration & Term Project
There will not be exercise classes in this week for holidays.
Some demonstration of Java application and explanation for term prjoect.
Incheon Paik 2005/05/09
Creating Classes (Generic Class)
Lecture Handout
Supplement Material
Class-6.pdf       ==> 6 slides a page
Class-1.pdf         ==> 1 slide   a page
Incheon Paik

Inheritance & Interfaces Lecture Handout

Supplement Material
 ExtendClass.ppt (Class, Inheritance)
ExtendClass-6.pdf       ==> 6 slides a page
ExtendClass-1.pdf         ==> 1 slide   a page
, PackagesClasses.ppt (Interface, Package)
Interfaces-6.pdf  PackagesClasses-6.pdf       ==> 6 slides a page
Interfaces-1.pdf   PackagesClasses -1.pdf         ==> 1 slide   a page
Incheon Paik 2005/05/23
Errors & Exceptions
Lecture Handout

Supplement Material
ExcepHand.ppt (Exception Handling)
ExceptHand-6.pdf       ==> 6 slides a page
ExceptHand -1.pdf         ==> 1 slide   a page

Incheon Paik

Lecture Handout

Supplement Material
Thread.ppt           (Thread)
Thread-6.pdf       ==> 6 slides a page
Thread-1.pdf       ==> 1 slide   a page

Incheon Paik 2005/06/06
Class Libraries
Lecture Handout

PackagesClasses.ppt (Utility Package)
JavaPackages-6.pdf       ==> 6 slides a page
JavaPackages -1.pdf        ==> 1 slide   a page
Incheon Paik 2005/06/13
Inputs / Outputs
Lecture Handout
Supplement Material
StreamSerialSecurity.ppt (StreamSerialSecurity)
StreamSerialSecurity-6.pdf       ==> 6 slides a page
StreamSerialSecurity-1.pdf         ==> 1 slide   a page
Incheon Paik 2005/06/20
Java Networking
Lecture Handout
JavaNetwork.ppt (Java Network, RMI)
JavaNetwork-6.pdf       ==> 6 slides a page
JavaNetwork-1.pdf         ==> 1 slide   a page
Incheon Paik 2005/06/27
Applets, Events, and J2ME

Lecture Handout

Supplement Material
AppletEvent.ppt (AppletEvent)
AppletEvent-6.pdf       ==> 6 slides a page
AppletEvent-1.pdf         ==> 1 slide   a page
Incheon Paik
Review and Java 1.5 New Features Exercise

Incheon Paik 2005/07/11
AWT & Swing  Lecture Handout

Term Project Check Week

No lectures

Please check also the academic calendar .
Date Reason


Please keep the following information for communication and for turning in your homework. Remember to meet the deadline for each of your homework. If not specifically mentioned, your assignment must be completed and presented during the exercise.

ClassRoom Board for $B!! (B[Software 1] $B!! (B[Software 2] $B!!!! (B[Hardware 1]

If you have any question which might be of interest for all students of the class, please leave it to the classroom board. Teachers and TAs will try to answer your question as soon as possible. Example solution will be posted to the board for your reference.

Exercise  Date  Hints 
Exercise #1     2005/04/10 – 04/16  You can use the examples of lecture on 1st week.  In this week, we will study how to start Java application and Applet, type conversion, and arrays.
Exercise #2  2005/04/17 – 04/23 Class and Method
Exercise #3   2005/04/24 – 04/30 Statements & Operators

2005/05/01 – 05/07
No Exercise Classes (Holidays)
Exercise #4
2005/05/08 – 05/14
Exercise #5   2005/05/15 – 05/21  Inheritance & Interface
Exercise #6 2005/ 05/22 – 05/28  Errors & Exception
Exercise #7
2005/05/29 – 06/04
Exercise #8 2005/06/05 - 06/11  Utility Classes
Exercise #9
2005/06/12 - 06/18
 Input / Output
Exercise #10 2005/06/19 – 06/25
Java Network
Exercise #11 2005/06/26 – 07/02  Applet & Event,
Exercise #12
2005/07/03 – 07/09

Java 2 1.5 Enhanced Features Exercise
Exercise #13 2005/07/10 – 07/16  AWT & Swing
Exercise #14  2005/07/17 – 07/23
Check Term Project $B!!!!!!!! (B

Grading Policy

Your final grade includes the following three parts

  • Final Examination : If you absent final examination, you cannot get grade.
  • Lab exercises & Term Project
  • ETC:
  • Academic honesty: Students are expected to act maturely, responsible for their own education, actions, and assignments. Cheating on exams will not be tolerated; for exercises and homeworks, students are encouraged to help each other, but only with explanations and hints
Detailed Grading Policy (Plan)

1. Examination(Include Quiz)   -----       40 %
2. Exercise LAB (Include Term Project, Attendance)  -----------------    45 %
3. Attendance  ---------------------  10 %
4. Report  --------------------------   5 %


Report / Term Project

  No. Contents  Due Date / Submit Place ETC
 Report #1 Submit the proposal your term project

1) Due Date : June 3, 2005,  5:00 PM
2) Submit it to each exercise teacher or  exercise TA

The teacher will guide about how to submit the proposal. The format of proposal, you can refer to below row of this table.

Term Project
You can select any items following topics,  which include but not limited to:
- Some Java Applications which use and combine existing works in the exercise classes.  ( I recommend this)
- Small Web Browser(which can display small set of HTML)
- Some Web application using Servlet or JSP
- Web DataBase Application
- Mobile Phone Application Using J2ME or Emulator(which can display small set of cHTML/HTML) 
- Simple DB Application using JDBC
- XML Application
- J2EE Application
- Agent Application
- Chatting Programs
- Simple Network Games or Simulator
- Sime Information or Multimedia Application
- e-Business Application
- Some Application Related to your research in SCCP or other activities
- Some topics the instructor in each exercise suggests.
- Others (Your Own Topic)  <- This has the highest priority.

Term project can be done individually.
  In case that you want to build a larger application, so if you need to work as a team, then you can create a team(2-5 members, only within the each exercise class). And you should inform your team information and plan as follows:
        (1) Team Name
        (2) Team Members
        (3) Project Title
        (4) Brief Introduction (within 200 words)
 (This submission is for only  teams, not for individual, You can download the Form ).

Your term project will be graded at the last exercise class.  At that time, you should submit the final report also(Japanese is OK, Submit as paper which printed out) (This is for all , i.e. both individual and teams). 
You can refer to the form of final report .

 If you have any question, send mail to a TA or to me.

The final examination will be at 2nd period, on Jul. 26, 2005 (Tuesday).

Date Period Time Class Room ETC
Final Jul. 26th, 2005
 2nd Period
(10:40AM -12:10PM)
1.5 hours S1


S1  ==> M1
S2  ==> M2
S3  ==> M3
S4  ==> M4
H1  ==> M5
H2  ==> M6


Many books are available for Java. Not all are up-to-date (Java 2) or covering the topics required for this lecture. As reference and fast introduction we recommend Java in a Nutshell . The user interface aspects of Java are not covered anymore in the 3rd edition and have moved into the book Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell , but the online jdk documentation might be sufficient. The parallel programming parts are covered best by Concurrent Programming in Java, 2nd edition: Design Principles and Patterns , but this book is not intended for beginners.
  • David Flanagan: Java in a Nutshell, 3nd Edition , O'Reilly and Associates, 1999, ISBN 1-56592-487-8
  • David Flanagan: Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell, 1st Edition , O'Reilly and Associates, 1999, ISBN 1-56592-488-6
  • CAY S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell, Core JAVA, Sun Microsystems Press, A Prentice Hall Title, 1999
  • Jerry Jackson and Alan L. McClellan: Java By Example 2, 3rd Edition , Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference, 1999, ISBN 0-13-079669-7
  • Sun Microsystem: JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition, API Specification (also available in Japanese)
  • Deitel, Java How to Program , 4th edition,Prentice Hall, 2001
  • Kathy Walranth & Mary Campione, The JFC Swing Tutorial, Sun Mircro System,1999
  • Jonathan Kudsen, JAVA Cryptography, O $B!G (BReilly, 1999
  • CAY S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell, Core JAVA, Sun Microsystems Press, A Prentice Hall Title, 1999
  • Sun Microsystem: JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition, API Specification (also available in Japanese) 
  • Jason Hunter, William Crawford, JAVA Servlet Programming, O $B!G (BReilly, 1999



Lecture Notes

[Univ. Aizu ] [ Programming III ] [ References ] [ Contacts ] [ Lectures ] [ Exercises ] [Report and Term Project]

บทความนี้เกิดจากการเขียนและส่งขึ้นมาสู่ระบบแบบอัตโนมัติ สมาคมฯไม่รับผิดชอบต่อบทความหรือข้อความใดๆ ทั้งสิ้น เพราะไม่สามารถระบุได้ว่าเป็นความจริงหรือไม่ ผู้อ่านจึงควรใช้วิจารณญาณในการกลั่นกรอง และหากท่านพบเห็นข้อความใดที่ขัดต่อกฎหมายและศีลธรรม หรือทำให้เกิดความเสียหาย หรือละเมิดสิทธิใดๆ กรุณาแจ้งมาที่ เพื่อทีมงานจะได้ดำเนินการลบออกจากระบบในทันที