
ผู้เขียน : วัตพล

อัพเดท: 13 พ.ค. 2024 22.35 น. บทความนี้มีผู้ชม: 716530 ครั้ง

ผิวแห้งคัน ปัญหาคันยุบยิบที่รักษาให้หายได้

Neck Pain and How It Affects You


Nowadays, neck pain is something people tend to share in common. It is almost one of the most annoying pain that people encounter. Thus, this article will inform you about neck pain and its cause, including how to deal with it in general and in medical treatment.

What is Neck Pain

Normally, neck pain is one of the things which most people inevitably avoid it. Neck pain becomes common to various types of people of various ages due to their lifestyles, since the neck is the important part that supports the head. In fact, the neck is easy to be strained or pained more than you think. Neckache is mostly caused by daily activities while the head itself is approximately 5 kilograms and will increase to 12 kilograms if we keep looking down at the phone or reading something.

Most people overlook the neckache because it will be better after some resting. However, chronic neck pain is not something to be neglected. The neck is also the nerve centre, there might be a chance of disease occurrences, such as cervical disc herniation or cervical spondylosis with spurs, including some pressure that may unintentionally affect the nerve after the twisting for relaxation.


Symptoms of Neck Pain

Aside from average neck pain, there might be other symptoms which come along. 

Neck Pain Causes 

Neck pain is mostly caused by routines but it can also be caused by other reasons too. Here are the possible causes.

The wrong posture

Psychological stress

Arthritis or Osteoarthritis

Neck accident

Other possibilities

Neck Pain Treatment

For the treatment, normal neck pain can be cure by yourself. On the other hand, there is also the chance to be severe that need to see the doctor.

For the self-treatment:

Normally, if you have neck discomfort, you should use a cold and warm compress to relieve the neck muscle pain and use the towel to wrap around your neck. This process is to prevent the movement and relieve strain from the weight of your head.


When taking painkiller such as aspirin to reduce the pain and if symptoms persist after taking the medication for 5-7 days, it is time to talk to your doctor.

For the medical treatment:

If the self-treatment is not efficiency enough to help your neck pain. The doctor might be able to help.

  1. Conservative treatment: This way of treatment is focus on improving by exercise and relieve the pain through the medication. They will focus on the inflammation that causing the neck pain and stop it by transforaminal epidural steroid injection or prescribe the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Surgical treatment: For the patients who continue to suffer from the neck pain for 6-8 weeks after receive the other treatment, it is suggested to perform the surgery.

a.Full-endoscopic spine surgery

b.Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion

c.Cervical discetomy

Exercise for Neck Pain

To prevent or relieve the back pain, exercise is one of the most effective solution that also improving you body.

Neck Pain Conclusion

In conclusion, neck pain is one of the most common pain that we share in society after we share the lifestyle of working and studying, including ageing. Since office syndrome is not something to be overlooked, neck pain symptoms absolutely need to be concerned. Neck pain is able to affect the other part of the body that cause the annoyance and weakness to live your life. Do not hesitate to see the doctor if self-treatment is not effective.



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