
ผู้เขียน : วัตพล

อัพเดท: 13 พ.ค. 2024 22.35 น. บทความนี้มีผู้ชม: 770308 ครั้ง

ผิวแห้งคัน ปัญหาคันยุบยิบที่รักษาให้หายได้

GERD, is it dangerous?


Are you wondering that you may have GERD, the one of a common disease nowadays? GERD can happen with people of any ages and genders. GERD comes from living an inappropriate lifestyle, so apart from consulting with the doctor; changing lifestyle and behaviors are important in treating GERD.    


Symptoms of GERD

The common symptoms of GERD are:


Cause of GERD

What is the cause of GERD and why do some people have it?

Cause of GERD is caused by abnormally loosening of the lower esophageal sphincter. This makes acid reflux go up to the esophagus easily.


Risk Factors of GERD

There are some factors that increase the possibility of GERD which are:


What can you do to prevent GERD?

Changing your lifestyle and behaviors can help prevent and reduce the hardness of GERD.


Treatment of GERD

When changing your lifestyle cannot help reduce the symptoms of GERD, now you should consider seeing the doctor.

Even though most GERDs are not severe, you should not ignore them, since they can become more serious diseases in the future. Therefore, if your behavior changes cannot reduce your symptoms of GERD, you should go see a doctor from a trustworthy hospital to get some medication to reduce your acid and decrease the movement of your bowel.



If you are suffering from GERD, we suggest you first change your behaviors and lifestyles. If it does not help, seeing a doctor is necessary, to get your medication and personal treatment plan before the GERD gets worse and causes other complications. Besides, endoscopy is recommended for appropriate diagnosis for the case that does not get better with general treatment. 

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