
ผู้เขียน : วัตพล

อัพเดท: 13 พ.ค. 2024 22.35 น. บทความนี้มีผู้ชม: 716603 ครั้ง

ผิวแห้งคัน ปัญหาคันยุบยิบที่รักษาให้หายได้

EGD - Upper GI Endoscopy


Is pain or stomach cramps bothering you? Sometimes, you will feel burning around your upper stomach or have flatulence like indigestion for unknown reasons. You may think that you are having GERD or peptic ulcer disease. Perhaps it does not solely occur from eating spicy behavior or not eating on time. In fact, these symptoms are caused by many reasons or may be caused by malfunction of your upper digestive system. These signs should not be ignored. You should consult a doctor and EGD is one of the beneficial treatments.

What is EGD

Have you ever heard about the EGD? EGD is a standard procedure used to precisely diagnose GI tract diseases. At present, these symptoms in your upper stomach can be diagnosed by a method known as Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) You do not need to worry because it is quick and easy. EGD uses an endoscope by gently inserting through your mouth to see abnormalities in your stomach. Normally, EGD procedure will take approximately 10-15 minutes. When it’s done, an endoscope will be easily and quickly removed and you can know the results on the same day.

EGD Risks

However, every treatment carries risk. EGD also has general risks such as sore throat or an irritation which is caused by an endoscope. Numbness in the neck and flatulence which is a common symptom because it is needed to blow air into the stomach while proceeding the EGD. This symptom is temporary and will eventually get better when the gas comes out.

There are also specific risks of EGD. A stomach or an esophagus can get penetrated which is a rare case. In case the penetration occurs, the patient needs to admit and undergo a surgery to repair. In some cases, patients get aspiration due to an insufficient fasting or some can get confused because of anesthetic and medication allergy 

Practice After EGD 

?If such symptoms do not disappear within 2 days, you should consult a doctor. Besides, you have to stop taking the medication temporarily and consult with a doctor before returning to the drug again. If you have the following symptoms such as ฃ

Benefits of EGD

EGD is considered to be beneficial in diagnosing and treating Gastrointestinal diseases. It is easy, fast and accurate. EGD helps in both diagnostic and preventive care as well. If you are having such problems with your stomach that does not improve with medications, it is recommended to get an examination by EGD to prevent serious complications.


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