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อัพเดท: 13 พ.ค. 2024 22.35 น. บทความนี้มีผู้ชม: 770429 ครั้ง

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Can You Ease Lower Back Pain by Yourself

Can You Ease Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a common symptom with a high prevalence in adults. It can result from a strain, an injury, or even overexertion. Low back pain is defined by the specific pain in the lower back. The pain often gets better with rest and self-treatment. However, it can disturb daily activities as well. Low back pain can cause serious complications or even be more harmful than you think. Learn more about lower back pain in this article.

What is Lower Back Pain

The definition of lower back pain is stiff lower back muscles or pain in the lower back. The pain can start from the lower part of the back to the buttock and sometimes radiate into one or both legs. Back pain can range from mild to severe. It can also affect daily activities or even work. Lower back pain usually improves with rest, but the more severe condition might need professional help.

Types of Lower Back Pain 

 Lower back pain can be differentiated into 3 categories according to the length of time. The types of lower back pain are described below:

  1. Acute low back pain: pain that has lasted less than 6 weeks.
  2.  Subacute low back pain: pain has persisted for between 6 weeks to 3 months.
  3. Chronic low back pain: pain has persisted for more than 3 months.

Acute Low Back Pain

Acute low back pain is a condition in which the pain or injury has persisted for no more than 6 weeks. Acute pain is the type of pain that comes suddenly and is often intense. It usually lasts and improves itself within a few days. The damage is often not serious enough to require professional help since the body can gradually heal itself over time.

Subacute Low Back Pain

Subacute low back pain, compared to acute lower back pain, lasts longer. The pain usually persists for a period of 6 weeks to 3 months. This subacute phase is often concerned with mechanical issues such as a traumatic injury or a strain. Subacute low back pain persists as the body heals itself. This type of lower back pain can cause difficulty carrying on with life. The pain can be a nuisance and disturb daily activities.

Chronic Low Back Pain

Chronic low back pain is defined as pain that persists for more than 3 months. The pain is usually severe and improves little by itself. Self-treatment might help in the beginning, but the pain will not completely resolve.  To identify and address the reasons for this kind of lower back pain, a complete medical exam and professional assistance are typically necessary.

Low Back Pain Symptoms

Low back pain might be different for each individual. However, there are common symptoms of lower back pain. Being able to specifically describe and identify the characteristics of the pain can help determine the diagnosis. Here are some examples of typical lower back pain symptoms:

Lower Back Pain Causes

Low back pain can be idiopathic. Nevertheless, the causes of lower back pain can be determined by a thorough history-taking and physical examination. There are many factors regarding the condition in daily life. Here are some examples of low back pain causes:

Despite these common causes linked to lower back pain, the condition can be a result of other diseases such as visceral organ disease: kidney disease, or digestive system disease as well. Hence, a differential diagnosis is needed to effectively treat the causes of lower back pain.

How to Ease Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is common and can be self-treated. Lower back pain relief is usually done by each individual before seeking professional help. There are various lower back pain treatments. The treatment can range from initial treatment to medical practice. These following suggestions are some examples of how to treat the condition by oneself.

In case initial treatments do not improve the condition, it is recommended to seek professional advice. Here are some medical treatments the doctor might prescribe in order to treat the symptoms:

Low Back Pain Diagnosis

In severe cases, low back pain diagnosis can be performed by these methods below:

  1.  Plain radiography:  This is the first step in diagnosing lower back pain since it is affordable and convenient. The plain radiography will provide information about the spine structure, mainly the bones. The disadvantage of this method is that the discs, connective tissues, and nerves are not visible.
  2. Myelography: A needle is inserted into the spinal cord to inject a contrast agent. This method is old and has now been replaced with MRI.
  3. Computer Tomography (CT scan): CT scan is superior to plain radiography in terms of detailed and high-quality images. It can also cut the images into different planes and sections to clearly observe the structure. CT scan images can also create a three-dimensional figure, making the image rotatable to inspect from all sides. However, the image quality produced by a CT scan is inferior to that of MRI.
  4. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): This method provides the best quality image and an inward view of the structure in all planes. The pros of MRI are that it can show connective tissues, nerves, discs, and other structures clearly, as well as the ongoing pathology. Hence, MRI is the best method to help diagnose spinal diseases.

Lower Back Pain Prevention

Despite the potential danger of lower back pain, the condition is preventable. Even though structural problems cannot be addressed, other risks associated with low back pain can be reduced. Here are some suggestions on how to prevent low back pain:

Lower Back Pain Conclusion

Low back pain is a common condition that can be self-treated. The symptoms are the pain in the lower back that might radiate into the buttocks or legs. Lower back pain can resolve by itself within a few weeks, but if not, it is recommended to seek professional advice. Low back pain treatment can range from self-treatment to medical interventions. Consult a doctor if the pain is severe or persistent so they can accurately identify and treat the problem.


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